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Palbooks specialises in new and second-hand Afrikaans and English children's books.

We have a unique "buy-back" option, provided that you return the books in the same condition.

The bookshop is currently only Internet based. Orders will be posted or can be collected.

Viewing and collection by appointment only.

Palbooks is derived from the Latin word palimpsestus, which refers to ancient manuscripts that were used several times.

Some of the books we stock :

  • Barbie
  • 366 Amazing Facts
  • Asterix and the Cauldron
  • Trompie
  • The Magic Schoolbus
  • Spiderman
  • Liewe Heksie
  • Harry Potter
  • Goosebumps etc

     View Book Catalogue 

    NEW! We now also sell an exiting range of educational toys and puzzles!

     View Educational Products Catalogue 

  • webCats does its utmost to ensure that the prices shown are correct.
    Should the prices differ, the price quoted at the establishment will be the valid price. Please contact us if the information provided on our pages is incorrect.

    The information on this page was last verified on 28 April 2009.

    By appointment only.

    Contact Nelleke at.
    083 291 6606


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